AWS Secrets Manager in Just Five Points

Mesut Oezdil
5 min readJun 19, 2023


How does AWS Secrets Manager ensure the security of sensitive information stored within it and why is it beneficial to store secrets separately from code?

This article will answer these and many other questions this Monday.

Then let’s get started!

i) AWS Secrets Manager is a service offered by Amazon Web Services that helps you manage and protect important secrets like database passwords and login details. It’s like a secure vault where you can store and handle sensitive information needed by your applications. Imagine you’re building an application that requires a database password. Instead of storing the password directly in your code or configuration files, you can rely on AWS Secrets Manager. You upload the password to Secrets Manager and whenever your application needs it, it can securely retrieve it from there. This approach adds an extra layer of security because you don’t have to expose sensitive information in your code or configurations. One of the great features of AWS Secrets Manager is its ability to automatically rotate secrets. This means it can regularly update passwords on your behalf, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. For example, if you have a policy to change passwords every month, Secrets Manager can take care of that automatically, saving you time and ensuring stronger security. AWS Secrets Manager acts as a safeguard for your secrets, helping you store and manage sensitive information securely. Whether it’s database passwords, API keys, or any other confidential data, Secrets Manager ensures your applications can access them when needed while maintaining a high level of protection.

ii) Storing sensitive information in code can lead to security vulnerabilities, but AWS Secrets Manager provides a secure solution. You know, storing sensitive information like passwords or API keys directly in your code can be risky. If someone manages to get their hands on your code, they can easily find and exploit those secrets. But hey, don’t worry! AWS Secrets Manager has got your back with a secure solution. Instead of putting secrets directly in your code, you can securely store them within AWS Secrets Manager. It acts like a fortress for your secrets, protected by multiple layers of security provided by AWS. By using AWS Secrets Manager, you can keep your sensitive information separate from your codebase and configuration files. This means that even if someone gains access to your code, they won’t find those secrets hanging around in plain sight. Your application can then retrieve these secrets from AWS Secrets Manager when it needs them, ensuring they stay secure.

iii) Create and store secrets with sample codes and Ensure the VPC endpoint is set up for the Lambda function to access Secrets Manager: First off, you can create and store secrets using sample codes. This means you can write code snippets that allow you to define and save important and sensitive information securely. It could be things like database passwords, API keys, or any confidential data you need to keep under lock and key. Now, when it comes to accessing those stored secrets from a Lambda function, you want to make sure you have a VPC endpoint set up. A VPC endpoint? What’s that? Well, think of it as a private tunnel that allows your Lambda function to directly communicate with AWS Secrets Manager, without going through the public internet. By having this VPC endpoint in place, you ensure that your Lambda function can securely retrieve the secrets from AWS Secrets Manager. It’s like having a secret passageway that only your function knows about, keeping everything confidential and protected from prying eyes. So, to sum it up, you create and store secrets using sample codes to keep sensitive information safe. And to make sure your Lambda function can access those secrets securely, you set up a VPC endpoint that acts as a private connection between your function and AWS Secrets Manager. It’s all about keeping things locked down and ensuring your secrets are well-guarded.

iv) Modify the Secrets Manager policy to add new resource access: A policy is like a set of rules that determine who can access specific resources. It specifies who can access what and what operations they can perform. Now, to add access to a new resource, you’ll need to modify the Secrets Manager policy. This could involve updating the existing policy or creating a new one altogether. Let’s say you want to grant a team access to a specific secret. By editing the policy, you can give that team permission to access that particular secret. It’s all about making changes to the policy that defines who can access what, so you have control over granting new access. In a nutshell, modifying the Secrets Manager policy to add new resource access means you’re making changes to the policy that controls who can access certain secrets. It could involve granting access to specific users or roles or updating the existing permissions. It’s all about ensuring that only the right people have the access they need to the sensitive information stored in Secrets Manager.

v) Replace the Amazon resource name in Identity and Access Management policy: When it comes to setting up the security configuration for your RDS database, there are a couple of things you need to do. One of them is retrieving the endpoint and port information from the RDS database. Now, the endpoint is basically the web address where your RDS database can be accessed. It’s like the unique identifier that tells your application where to find the database. And the port is a specific number that is used to establish a connection with the database. So, why is it important to retrieve these endpoint and port details? Well, they play a crucial role in configuring the security settings. For example, you might need this information to set up network security groups or establish a secure connection to your database. By getting the endpoint and port information from your RDS database, you have the necessary details to configure the security measures. It ensures that only authorized entities can access your database and helps protect your data from unauthorized access. To sum it up, retrieving the endpoint and port information from your RDS database is a vital step in setting up the security configuration. It provides you with the necessary details to establish secure connections and implement appropriate security measures to safeguard your database.


AWS Secrets Manager is a secure service for managing and protecting sensitive information. It prevents exposure of secrets in code, allows secure storage and retrieval, offers granular access control through policy modification, and helps configure secure connections to databases. It enhances security and safeguards valuable data.

#AWS #SecretsManager #Security #SensitiveInformation #CodeSeparation #SecureStorage #AccessControl #PolicyModification #SecureConnections #DatabaseSecurity

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Mesut Oezdil

On M3 (Mindful Monday Musings), I publish articles on DevSecOps and Cloud! Talks about #devops, #devsecops, #cybersecurity, #cloudtech, #awsdevops